Giving Matters

Insights on informed charitable giving, and accountability in the nonprofit sector.

Annual Forum 2015: Radical Collaboration

“Energizing, dynamic, electrifying, inspiring, experimental.” Those were just a few of the words attendees used to describe Annual Forum 2015 – Philanthropy 2.0: Radical Collaboration, and we couldn’t agree more! At Annual Forum 2015, we asked you to join us as we imagine, create and innovate a new future of philanthropy with donors and nonprofits… Read more

Collaboration through the Years

At Annual Forum 2015 we talked Radical Collaboration as a way to launch into a new era philanthropy where donors and nonprofits are working together towards the greater good. MAP for Nonprofits has been helping nonprofit organizations explore and construct alliances and strategic restructuring since 2007 through mergers, joint ventures, program transfers, shared services and… Read more

Meet Katy Putzker

Charities Review Council is excited to welcome Katy Putzker as our new Nonprofit Services Intern! Katy is currently a junior at the University of Minnesota where she studies Nonprofit Management and Marketing (talk about a perfect fit!). Originally from Montana, Katy moved to the Twin Cities for school but is no stranger to the state… Read more

Radical Collaboration: Making New (Weird) Connections

Leaders, innovators, collaborators, get ready! Annual Forum 2015 is just around the corner on Tuesday, September 22nd. To kick-off the annual forum experience, we’re beginning the day with Radical Collaboration: Making New Connections, a fun and interactive networking event. We’re asking attendees to take a risk, challenge the status-quo, and be willing to engage with a… Read more

NEW! Better Together Award

At Charities Review Council, our focus is on building authentic relationships between donors and nonprofits using our Accountability Standards®, by providing the spaces, places, and tools to do just that. We know that our community is stronger when donors and nonprofits deliver the greater good in partnership. In fact, nothing excites us more than when… Read more

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Audire consulatu ne sed, in lucilius quaestio gloriatur eum. Prima dicant voluptatum te has. Usu an nominati rationibus, case malorum voluptatum ius ea.

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Te vix numquam corrumpit. Mea audiam argumentum ad. Id aeque nullam vel, qui eu illud nonumes definitionem. No nulla choro sit. In aliquid accusamus pro.

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Charities Review Council

Our mission is building donor and nonprofit relationships for strong, vibrant and just communities. We envision healthy communities for all, benefiting from effective and trustworthy nonprofits that are supported by a well-informed public’s generosity.

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1915 Highway 36 W Ste 133 • Roseville, Minnesota 55113-2709
Phone: (651) 224–7030 • E-mail:

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