Giving Matters

Insights on informed charitable giving, and accountability in the nonprofit sector.

Administrative Overhead Expenses Finally Acknowledged

Here at the Charities Review Council, we talk a lot about looking beyond the overhead ratio to determine a nonprofit’s impact based on more than just basic financials. Today, we’re diving right into the middle of that cumbersome overhead conversation to share some good news! The Office of Management and Business (OMB) announced changes in… Read more

What inspires me to work for a capacity building organization

When I graduated from college 5 years ago, I was young, innocent and idealistic. I set out to find a job where I could have a big impact. However, I struggled to find an organization or position that really appealed to me. Nothing seemed “big” enough. Even bold missions like ending world hunger or ­­­­­curing… Read more

Smart Giving Guide

Tis’ the season of many things: sharing, spending time with loved ones, and saying “Tis’ the season.” It’s also the season of year-end giving, a time when many are looking for good causes to make their year-end donations before the tax year is over. It can be a bit overwhelming when there are so many… Read more

Building Capacity by Sharing Stories: Online, In Person, In Your Community

Pollen started as a newsletter created by Lars Leafblad, in which he shared local events, job openings, and news and updates of his friends and extended network, the recipients of the newsletter. Since its beginnings, the content of Pollen has always been generated by and for its members, designed to build ties across the civic-minded… Read more

4 Ways to be a Smart Giver

This blog was originally posted on in preparation for Give to the Max Day 2013 Smart giving is a partnership between donors and nonprofits – a blend of art and science. Smart givers believe their time, talent and treasure are important social investments. People give for all kinds of reasons, and there is no… Read more

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Charities Review Council

Our mission is building donor and nonprofit relationships for strong, vibrant and just communities. We envision healthy communities for all, benefiting from effective and trustworthy nonprofits that are supported by a well-informed public’s generosity.

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