Giving Matters

Insights on informed charitable giving, and accountability in the nonprofit sector.

Five Out of the Box School Fundraising Ideas

School fundraising has become a necessity for many schools to stay afloat. In order to maintain literacy programs, extracurricular activities, and classroom supplies, both public and private schools run fundraising programs in which their students participate. Traditionally, these fundraisers involve students selling candy, popcorn, or other items either through catalogs, door to door sales, auctions… Read more

Welcome Our New Fall Intern

Join us in welcoming Madeline Severtson, who joins us this fall as the Development and Communications Intern. This spring, she graduated from St. Olaf College with majors in mathematics and religion. Read on to learn a bit more about her. 1. Where are you from? I grew up in St. Anthony Village, which is a… Read more

Beyond “The Overhead Ratio” Part 2

In order to ensure that their dollars are being used as intended, donors have a responsibility to research nonprofits before choosing whether or not to support their work. But it is up to nonprofits to be able to communicate their programs, financial information, governance, and impact in a transparent, accessible, and meaningful way. As we… Read more

Beyond “The Overhead Ratio” Part 1

The percentage of expenses that a nonprofit spends on administration and fundraising is a hotly contested topic. For some time, the “overhead ratio” has been used by donors to determine whether or not a charity is effective and worthy of a donation. The number itself is easily calculated, accessible, and well-understood. But this measure does… Read more

Annual Forum 2013: ‘Little Bets’ are a Means to Success

The Charities Review Council’s Annual Forum took place on June 11, 2013. It was an event dedicated to strengthening our community by encouraging all organizations to work collectively in order to implement positive change. In keeping with this year’s theme: Dare to Fail on the Road to Discovery, attendees were encouraged to share their own… Read more

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Audire consulatu ne sed, in lucilius quaestio gloriatur eum. Prima dicant voluptatum te has. Usu an nominati rationibus, case malorum voluptatum ius ea.

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Charities Review Council

Our mission is building donor and nonprofit relationships for strong, vibrant and just communities. We envision healthy communities for all, benefiting from effective and trustworthy nonprofits that are supported by a well-informed public’s generosity.

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