Partner Success Stories

Read success stories from our one-of-a-kind Nonprofit Strengthening Projects.


Our partnership with Youthprise began in 2012. Since then, we’ve completed three Nonprofit Strengthening Projects, serving more than 75 of Youthprise’s grantee partners. Each project included tailored Strengthening Workshops and one-on-one support.


Brainerd Lakes Area

In partnership with Bremer Bank, we completed a Nonprofits Strengthening Project in the Brainerd Lakes area, serving 20 nonprofit organizations. Prior to this project, only 4 organizations had earned the Meets Standards® Seal. Upon project completion, we saw a 500% increase in the number of reviewed organizations in the area and a 250% increase in the number of organizations that met all 25 Accountability Standards®.


Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ)

This Nonprofits Strengthening Project was created and carefully designed to support Northside Achievement Zone’s nonprofit Anchor Partners. As one of our smaller projects, serving 9 nonprofit organizations, this project not only strengthened the capacity of each organization to purse its mission, but also strengthened the relationships between anchor partners.


Greater Twin Cities United Way (GTCUW)

In partnership with Greater Twin Cities United Way, we served 25 nonprofit organizations through this project, which included a built-in pre- and post-assessment, customized Strengthening Workshops, and one-one-one support for each participating organization.


St. Cloud Area

With funding from the Otto Bremer Trust and support from our Strengthening Partners in the St. Cloud area, we engaged 33 nonprofit organizations within a 50 mile radius of St. Cloud in a Nonprofit Strengthening Project. This project included a built-in pre- and post-assessment, three Strengthening Workshops, and one-on-one support for each participating nonprofit.


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To get stated, contact Kris Kewitsch at 651-224-7030, or email

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What does it take to Meet Standards®?

Meeting the Accountability Standards® is more than checking items off a list. Each nonprofit you see on this website has gone through careful assessment, and then invested in implementing changes to meet our high operational standards.

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Success Stories

Hear from organizations that are bringing our Standards to life in their nonprofits.

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Testimonial 3

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Veritus mnesarchum mei ea, per debitis qualisque in. Per cu mutat consul. Sea meis interpretaris ne. Sit nonumy consequat theophrastus id. Mei at tota meliore elaboraret, at eam tollit detracto molestiae.

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Our mission is building donor and nonprofit relationships for strong, vibrant and just communities. We envision healthy communities for all, benefiting from effective and trustworthy nonprofits that are supported by a well-informed public’s generosity.

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Phone: (651) 224–7030 • E-mail:

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