Enter your annual expenses (WITHOUT COMMAS): $
Our donors and funders provide a lot of support for nonprofits to be able to afford the Accountability Wizard® review process. This support is provided as a sliding fee based on the organization’s budget size. The sliding fee structure is 0.02% of an organization’s annual operating expenses. (You can find this amount on the IRS Form 990, Part I, Line 18, current year column.)
There is a minimum fee of $100 and a maximum of $3,000. For example, if your organization’s annual expenses total $3,000,000, your fee would be $600 with $2,400 in support coming from the Council’s donors and funders. If your annual expenses total $16,500,000, you would pay the maximum of $3,000 instead of $3,300.
Once you have paid your enrollment fee, you have up to one year to submit your review to the Council. As long as you submit within that year, your account will last for three years from when we provide you the results of our review.