7 steps to earning your Meets Standards® Seal

1. Initiate your account

Complete our web form to initiate a new review.

2. Pay enrollment fee

The enrollment fee is 0.02% of your organization’s annual expenses and can be paid by check or credit card over the phone.

Calculate your enrollment fee.

3. Receive account login information from the Council

Once payment is received, Council staff will create your account within the Wizard and send you the login information to get started.

4. Answer Accountability Wizard® questions and upload required documents

We encourage you to submit the Accountability Wizard® review as soon as possible, but you have up to one year to submit your answers for review. Make sure to submit your Accountability Wizard® within a year of creating your account so hard work is not lost. We’re not able to hold applications over a year.

5. Receive Initial Review Report

After submitting your answers, Charities Review Council staff independently verifies your answers, then sends you an initial review report within a few weeks with any resulting action items. Your organization will be listed as a “Review in Progress” for up to one year or until all Standards are met.

6. Partner with Us to Meet Standards®

If there are any unmet Standards, our staff is available to help you come into compliance. There are many resources available within the Accountability Wizard®, but do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or need more resources to address your action items.

7. Make Review Public

Once you have met all of the Standards, your review report will be made public on the Council’s website and you will gain access to the Meets Standards® Seal, to use on your website, social media, and/or printed materials. A finished review is public for three years from the date the Council completes its initial review.

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We're in the process of migrating our blog. If you're looking for an older entry, please visit the archive to search for it.

Would you like to be included on our list?

Learn about our Accountability Standards®, and explore how doing an Accountability Wizard® Review can help improve your operations, build public trust, and raise standards at your organization.

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You can search nonprofits that Meet Standards® based on both mission focus and organization name.

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Do you need to start a new review or renew an expiring review?

What is your fee?

Before filling out this form, please be sure to calculate your enrollment fee.

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What does it take to Meet Standards®?

Meeting the Accountability Standards® is more than checking items off a list. Each nonprofit you see on this website has gone through careful assessment, and then invested in implementing changes to meet our high operational standards.

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Success Stories

Hear from organizations that are bringing our Standards to life in their nonprofits.

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Audire consulatu ne sed, in lucilius quaestio gloriatur eum. Prima dicant voluptatum te has. Usu an nominati rationibus, case malorum voluptatum ius ea.

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Charities Review Council

Our mission is building donor and nonprofit relationships for strong, vibrant and just communities. We envision healthy communities for all, benefiting from effective and trustworthy nonprofits that are supported by a well-informed public’s generosity.

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1915 Highway 36 W Ste 133 • Roseville, Minnesota 55113-2709
Phone: (651) 224–7030 • E-mail: info@smartgivers.org

Privacy Policy (5/9/19) • Terms of Use (5/9/19)

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